Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Midterm Rejections
Monday, August 30, 2010
Mosque on Rights, Mosque on Demand
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Republican Mid-Term Strategy - TAX CUTS?
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – Philadelphia Inquirer
July 26, 2005 – Editorial
"If your family isn't acquainted with the estate tax, your family isn't alone. This tax now is paid only by estates worth more than $1.5 million for an individual, or $3 million per couple. The Internal Revenue Service said only 2.11 percent of people who died in 2001 left estates subject to the tax.
"But the levy brought in more than $23 billion in revenue to the federal government in 2001. By draining the Treasury of an estimated $745 billion over 10 years, a permanent repeal would increase the burden on middle-class taxpayers to pay for necessities such as tuition aid, Medicaid and veterans' benefits."
Minneapolis, Minnesota– Star Tribune
July 27, 2005 - Editorial
"As a matter of fiscal policy, repealing the tax on large inheritances is a terrible idea. It would cost the federal Treasury $290 billion in lost revenue over the next decade, according to Congress' Joint Committee on Taxation, and much more in the decade after that. Revenue losses of that magnitude could hardly come at a worse time. Last year the federal government ran the biggest budget deficit in history, and it will pile up hundreds of billions in new debt over the coming decade. No less an eminence than Alan Greenspan, chairman of the Federal Reserve, testified last week that Congress should not repeal the estate tax unless it finds a way to cover the cost."
New Orleans, Louisiana – Times-Picayune
July 24, 2005 – Letters to the Editor
"It is the heirs, not the decedents, who are taxed. They have done nothing to earn what they will receive, although I have no quarrel that they should benefit from their forebears' success. It is just a matter of degree. That is why small and moderate estates should be exempt and the tax on increasingly larger estates should be graduated. �?
"The origin of the estate tax -- also the reason for subsequent increases -- was not merely to produce revenue but to limit the concentration of wealth. Wealth equates to economic power and thence to political power, and that is inimical to a democracy of the people. This legislation was good public policy."
Seattle, Washington – The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
July 22, 2005 – Editorial
"Recent TV ads depict a World War II vet opposing the federal estate tax. But gutting the tax would actually undo much that the greatest generation fought and worked for their entire lives - by converting into private benefit for a few the last full measure these men and women devoted to American values of fair play, freedom and opportunity for all.
"Hard as they may work, the rich would not be so wealthy except for the social/economic infrastructure created by government and financed by taxes. �?
"What business or farm could prosper without the United States' tremendous investment in roads, harbors, railways and airports to facilitate the movement of products to market? How could business succeed without systems of currency, banking and laws kept intact by a court system?
"What if the estate tax is scrapped? The Brookings Institute calculates schools, churches and other non-profits would lose $10 billion a year in charitable giving. The Joint Committee on Taxation estimates gutting this tax would cost society nearly $1 trillion over 10 years. Especially in a time of war, this is fiscally reckless."
Washington, D.c= – The Washington Post
July 24, 2005 – Editorial
"�?'In order to make sure our farms stay within our farming families, we need to get rid of the death tax once and for all,' President Bush proclaimed in a speech last month to the Future Farmers of America.
"This assertion, though, is more convenient myth than fact -- something that senators might consider when they're called on�?to vote on abolishing the tax. A new study by the Congressional Budget Office examined estate tax returns filed by farmers and owners of small businesses in 1999 and 2000. The numbers that owed estate tax, the CBO found, were paltry, and the number without enough cash on hand to pay the bill even punier�?
"In other words, the image of the grieving heir packing up his hoe as he trudges away from the family farm is just that -- a powerful image but not an accurate one. �? But members of Congress debating the issue now ought to look at the facts assembled by the CBO -- not the misinformation peddled by those maneuvering to make repeal permanent."
For more information read our memo on the Repeal/Reform of the Estate Tax
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Welcome to Arizona. May I See Your Papers, Jose?
Monday, April 26, 2010
FEEL THE RUSH - Cause he can feel for you.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Palin and Tancredo in "The Emperors New Clothes"
Tom Tancredo and Sarah Palin are blazing their way to the front & center of the new conservative movement. The Voice for the National Tea Party (NTP) Movement. However, it is not because they are the dynamic leaders that the GOP has been in desperate need of. Actually, it is because of the GOP's lack of leadership that enables Palin & Tancredo to run around unchecked and unchallenged.
They way this is playing out in the public forum, I am reminded of a childhood story about an Emperor and his new clothes. Tancredo suggested that people who cant spell the word ‘VOTE’ and / or who cant say VOTE in English, are responsible for electing a socialist into office. He went on to suggest that we should have literacy tests as a pre-qualifier for the right to vote. Just like the ones we used to keep black voters out of the voting process. These literacy tests had been used for more than 70 years until President Johnson ended these practices in 1965.
More surprising yet was the applause that he received for these statements. I am always the optimist, so I must assume that the audience doesn’t really share his views. The nation as a whole has a large number of people whocant or struggle with reading. I have seen signs at protest in DC, where English speaking people cant spell at a 3rd grade level. They must realize that they too would also be required to take “The Test”. Equalliy, I must believe that, as they applauded the speech, they weren't really supporting a practice that has been used as a racist tool to keep blacks out of voting booths. I am sure if someone would just speak out, they would that the Emperor is wearing no clothes.
Link to portions of his speech:
Equally, Palin took center stage at this 1st NTP convention. Once again she took shots at the president, which is expected. But almost each of her criticisms were either direct contradictions of her own behavior, or contradicted the behaviors of the Republican Party. Most noticeably were her comments on the teleprompter. While these were funny and endearing comments, they were delivered to her audience atthe same time as she herself was reading from her note cards and displaying he crib notes on her hand. Let’s not forget the comment about Obama speaking from a lectern, as she is holding tight to a podium. I think Chris Matthews has captured the single sound bite that can best sum up Sarah Palin: “She is an empty vessel.”
Link to her speech:
Now, enter the child in our story, Megan McCain? That’s right. The GOP does have a voice of reason. Megan was captured on “The View” speaking out clearly against Tancredo. She was making it perfectly clear that the emperor has no clothes. As if she was tell the Republican Party: “There is still reason within the GOP, We Can disagree without losing ourselves and our values.
She also pointed out, the Republicans of the next generation do not,.. will not,.. participate in any type of irresponsible racism and hateful bantering.
She took no stand against Palin or even address she speech. And no one would expect her to. So far, Palin has spoken in such generalities that there isn’t much to work with. And of course that is the challenge with Palin. During a pre-screened interview at the NTP Convention, were Palin was staged and rehearsed, she was unable to memorize a script. This was not a impromptu speech. It has been on the calendar for months.
I continue to be hopeful that the NTP movement will eventually understand that “sound Bites” does not a policy make and the emperor is wearing no clothes.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Detainee by any other Name
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Amendment 8 - Cruel and Unusual Punishment. Ratified 12/15/1791
Amendment 8 - Cruel and Unusual Punishment. Ratified 12/15/1791. - Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
So I looked at this for over an hour last night. Occasionally switching back to the Constitution, and then back to this.
I did recognize one critical nuance throughout this document. There is a clear mention and uses of terms such as Citizen, or Persons, or even "The People". As I read the 8th Addendum in context of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. its overwhelming obvious that none of those terms are present.
Now, I'm not a Judge. Don't even play one on TV. But I can not see any disseminate or any difference in how a "Person", "People" or "Citizen" qualifies or disqualifies any constitutional due process
I'll go one more step and refer to the Declaration of Independence and attempt to capture not only the spirit, but the letter of that declaration.
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal," Now I realize that we have had issue with these terms in the past. When these words were written down, they did not intend to be all inclusive. This did not include servants or labourers (aka: slaves) . We know this because those issues were resolved through constitutional amendments:13th & 24th Amendments. And we know that the framers did not intent to include women. We resolved that in in 1920 with the 19th amendment.
But we must assume that the term "All Men" applied to all men, and by todays standards we can argue that they must be at least of an age of 18 years. And we can assume that the national orientations could not have played a roll in the definition, or it would have excluded all the founding fathers. Many of them or their parents, or other family and friends were either a citizen of other countries or only one or two generations removed.
More current than this is the direction the President offered in his election bid and continues to support in his administration: We Do NOT Torture. Do the republicans get it? It doesn't matter if the suspect is is detained under any rule of law, we will not interrogate prisoners using any "Cruel and Unusual Punishment"
Ok, back to camera three,.. Damn! not a TV Studio, just a Blog
Closer to Common Ground
So the 2010 Election season has kicked off and is quickly shifting gears. The theme this year crosses both parties: "Throw the Bums Outs!"
Just over one-third (36) of the Senate seats are up for elections. All of the seats in the House of representatives are open for election. The Democrats and Republicans alike face challenges. Some of the more contested races will be no race at all.
Chris Dodd, Moving to
Byron Dorgan is retiring
Marion Barry - Duh!!
Colorado Gov Bill Ritter, not seeking re-election
Michigan Lt Gov John Cherry has ended his bid
Truth be told, this is better for the Democrats than trying to run as an incumbent. In
The Democrats need to work on a message. The problem is, the Republicans are much better at creating effective sound bites than the Dem’s. Always have been.
But all is not lost for the Democrats. The path to capture the drifting Independent vote may best be provided by the Republicans themselves.
The Republicans are facing a a tough incumbent challenge too. As Obama pointed out at the Republican Caucus last week, a Republican who makes any measurable compromise with the Obama Administration, puts themselves at risk to be challenged by their own fringe base. So the Republicans can not afford to meet Obama in the middle of any ideological issue. Equally, they can not appear to be the “Party of No” as the left has made claim. This would paint them as Obstructionists.
Lets be clear,.. this is NOT because the Republicans are evil, or because they want to see the country fail. As we go through this election cycle, the Left must be consciously mindful, not to make wild and unfounded statements. The Republicans are simply trying to retake as much control of both houses as they can. No one can fault them for that. I’m pretty sure the Democrats are doing the same.
Unfortunately, the conservative engine that powers the political resistance is driven mostly by the hard-right media. This has created a hostile climate that makes it almost impossible for any Republican to openly cooperate with this administration. Somewhere between, Glen Beck, Bill O'Riley, Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh and other conservative hosts, they have taken control of the Republican Party. Any move toward the middle, yet to mention the left, will be met with full retaliation from all the right wing media.
Don't get me wrong, the Democrats are faced with a similar problem. They have had several seats filled by the "Blue-Dog" Democrats. While we did have that "Super Majority" until the MA election, the Blue-Dog Democrats have been problematic for Obama because these Blue-Dogs won their seats in conservative districts or states. Advantage: Democrats, They are in power. They don't have to go on the attack. They do have to play nice. Actually, they can even do better than nice. The Democrats now need to pull together all their most conservative policies and put them to a vote. This is a WIN/WIN strategy for 2010 because it forces the Republicans to the front.
If the Republicans approve or agree, they have to fight their base. If they reject it, the Democrats can prove that the Republicans are obstructionist who are worried about their jobs, the jobs of their constituents. And finally the best reason for this strategy is this. The Democrats never have to risk their integrity or their ideals. They just need to shut-up and play nice.
While I am obviously left of center, my hope for this year is not for sweeping power shift to the left or right in the mid-term elections. If I can hope for any change, I hope that we can temper the rhetoric and find a way that makes our elected officials understand that we are watching. We have expectations, and we demand better. Also, reassure them that we can start somewhere new, somewhere closer to common ground.
Final Note: As seen on Meet The Press this weekend, the executive from FOX News Network clearly articulated that their News Cycle is driven purely by Rating. And in his own words, He is winning. If that is true we should be able to agree that "Fair & Balance" is more of catch phrase than it is a model for reporting the news. The reason FOX stopped covering the President during the Republican Caucus Meeting last Friday was not motivated on weight or worthiness of the news. It was because it did not meet expectations of its viewers.
Think about that for a minute. They are not bringing you "News You Can Use". They are not interested in news for news sake. They are covering news that their viewers want to see.
I watch NBC, CNN and other News. If any of those broadcasts would have delivered the News the way FOX does. And if all other news Media outlets are liberal media, we would have last seen GW Bush on 9/12. But I don't think they ever pulled away from Bush in the middle of a speech.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Failure is Not an Option
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Miss California - Beauty above all else
Donald Trump however seems to have provided another qualifying measure for redemption. Beauty - is now a qualifier for innocents. According to Donald, as long as you are beautiful, you are not obligated to follow rules and are not required to adhere to contracts or agreements. Equally as important, since I am not Beautiful, my views have no value and carries no weight what so ever.
Donald suggests that Carries statements about the existence of the photos are not lies. Carrie even suggested that she did not remember taking the "every" picture in her past. Donald then added that he had reviewed the pictures and had determined that the content was not inappropriate. While I may agree with him, these are not pictures I will be showing to my kids. And I also do not recall when Donald became the spokesman for moral content.
While Carrie was allowed to outline her defence. What she was unable to defend are the facts.
What are the facts?
Fact One: Carrie did knowingly and willingly enter into a (12 page) contract with the Miss California organization.
Fact Two: This contract did require full disclosure of the existence on any photographs or images containing nude / naked content.
Fact Three: These pictures do exist
Fact Four: Carrie inaccurately and with the intent to withhold information, denied any such pictures existed.
Fact Five: Once the 1st set of pictures were released, Carrie denied that any other pictures exist.
These are the facts.
There is a mitigating issue. We can all but agree, the only reason these pictures were released is based on Carries answer to Perez Hiltons question about same sex marriage.
These are all the issues. The line that I'm having difficulty drawing is; How does her looks alter these facts. According to Donald Trump, since I am not beautiful, I would be held accountable,.. provided anyone cared what a common looking person like me would have to say.
Ok one other fact; I have never watched a Miss USA, Miss America or any other pageant show before. So I will not make any impact if I tell you I will not watch it in the future. And I wont.
I will speak out against this pageants in strong terms. Donald Trump said that these pageants are relevant to today's society. I would argue they are not. They rise above the common rules that hold our society together. They do not reflect the common beliefs that America is based on. Honest, hard work can now be replaced with deception, vernacular double talk and empty promises,... as long as you are beautiful enough to be noticed
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Torture – How does that work again?
I have been frustrated lately about the limited discussions that have taken place regarding the torture issue. Not that there hasn’t been a lot over coverage. Every Op-Ed or News show has discussed it. The issues I have had, is that the editorials only outline one side of the issue, and no one has dedicated enough time to have a discussion that allows for open conversation.
David Gregory from “Meet the Press”, George Stephanopoulos “This Week”, or any of the cable news programs have all opened the discussion, and after 3 to 5 minutes of uncontrolled discussion, there does not seem to be any substantial discussion.
The Cliff May discussion on Jon Stewarts “The Dailey Show” was the single deepest discussion I have seen, and that is a comedy show.
We all understand the arguments. First we have to get the semantics correct. No one is supporting torture. The discussion is around several key definitions:
1) What is torture and what is not?
2) Who is protected under US Law and who is not
3) Who is authorized to establish where we draw lines.
Once we have some how agreed to these issues, we can then think about how we go about holding people accountable.
My Bias: Just so we all know where I am coming from: I believe that water boarding is torture. I believe that anyone who is incarcerated is subject to a standard of human rights. While I believe there can be a simple line drawn between the rights that are afforded to a US Citizen and those that are afforded to a foreigner, there can not be lines drawn on what “class of foreigner” is afforded different standards of human rights. I am not saying these are absolute or right,.. only that this is how I interpret the situation.
With that said, I will try not to use language that will inflame or try to goat a reaction.
What is Torture and what is not?
I heard a lot of conversation about what is torture. Is a slap to the head torture? Is sleep deprivation torture? Is over exposure to cold, torture? With each of these there is an obvious is not almost silly line of yes or no types of answers. For my definition, If I am sleep deprived for 4 days,.. Yes Torture. If I am left in a cold room for two days without cover and no idea if I am being monitored or not,.. Yes Torture. Strip me naked for any length of time,.. Yes Torture.
If I am unwilling to give you information, and you attempt to extract the information by placing me in a “Perceived“ situation where I am compelled to believe that my life, limb or well being is at risk, that is torture. I understand that many people will think this to be very liberal of me, and I will agree. But here is the point. If I rob a bank, or person or place, and I hold a gun, or if I say, suggest or imply that I have a gun, I am guilty of assault. It is law. Perception is reality.
Who is protected by US law and who isn’t?
I was intrigued by the discussion around the qualifiers that were used on detainees for the application of enhanced interrogation procedures. Have we exhausted all other alternatives? Is the detainee and Al-Qaeda operative? As I mentioned before, I have no issues identifying a person as a US Citizen and someone who is not. That makes sense to me. As US Citizens, we have a number of rights and freedoms that are not afforded to people of other countries. But no where do we suggest that other nations are less than human.
I do not need a US law for me to understand that I am expected to treat people humanly. I don’t consider it a US law, that all men are created equal. I don’t think that a right to an attorney is only for US Citizens. I can not believe that detainment without a hearing would be considered.
The push back is: “Well, they will get off” or “We do not have enough evidence to support the charges”. If you read that last sentence and still think that I am just an ideological liberal, we will never come to a compromise. But we still may be able to come to an understanding. If there is not enough supporting evidence that it can provide credability to any claim, then there should not be a claim. Please note, I did not refer to a jury of their peers. But if you do not have enough evidence to convince a competent and honorable judge that someone is guilty, how did you come to a conclusion of guilt.
Who is authorized to establish where we draw lines?
This final issue seems to be less troublesome than the other two issues. I would only suggest that what ever lines are considered to be the line is not a decision that is made in a vacuum. For US Citizens, that is easy. We have the legislative & executive branches for authorizing such rules of engagement. As for international, there would be a body of different governments that agree on common standards. If the acting President wants to edit or withdraw from an existing agreement,. I believe that Congress be required for authorization.
I will save the Accountability discussion for the next blog. But this has been one sided until now. Please let me know your opinions and objects.
GOP Can Survive

That is not to say all Republicans have taken this position. However, if you are a Republican and you find yourself supporting President Obama, you also need to watch carefully how the RNC interprets your choices.
As with Arlen Specter, the Republicans were already planning to oust Senator Specter before he shifted to the Democrat side simply for supporting Obama. It should be clear that Republicans forced Specters hand. With the RNC backing a hard Right Conservative to compete in the Pennsylvania Republican Primary, it was a foregone conclusion: Specter could not win. If Specter was to keep his job, he, as with most Americans, made a change. Not a change to the far left. A change to the center.
We still do not see clear leadership within the GOP and that only dilutes any vision or direction. As Republicans continues to shift hard to the right at the same time as the country continues to shift to the center left, what will remain of the GOP for the 2010?.
This is not all doom and gloom. The democrats were is a similar position just 5 years ago. I believe the Republican Party will recover. It may take place in 2010, or it may take longer. But when it does recover, it will come back stronger for its efforts.
To survive, the GOP needs to be more inclusive. The southern, old, white Christian men can not carry the day. They need to tap into the growing Hispanic population. They will need to include other religions. They will learn to temper their opposition with less divisive rhetoric. If they want to bring on new members, they have to first make sure they do not insult them.
They will still be able to hang on to core beliefs. They will just sell it from a different point of view. The new Republican Party can no longer demonize any and all opposition. Republicans need to find a way to deliver their message in a manner that does not first assault everyone who does not already share a specific value or position. They need to position a value or idea so that people can be persuaded to join, not forced adhere. The “it’s my way or the highway” mentality will not survive the 2010 elections.
Once the message has been tempered, and the audience expanded, the GOP will be better positioned to address the issues that are truly core to their image: fiscal responsibility, self-reliance, smaller government, states rights, lower taxes, less regulation. While I may not share these ideals, these are the discussions worth having.