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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Welcome to Arizona. May I See Your Papers, Jose?

Arizona has a passed a new law. Police Offices now have the authority to stop anyone that they feel are not legally in this country. No other qualifiers. If you do not have proper documentation, you will be arrested. Even if it is later determined that you are a US Citizen or an authorized alien. This law is obviously requires that police use racial profiling. Moreover, it requires that US Citizens be fully aware of everyone’s US Status. Allow me to explain:
If you, a US Citizen, have a friend who is not a US Citizen, and lets say you did not know this person was illegally in the country. Now if the police profile your friend and pulls you over. Not only will your friend be deported, but you will now be guilt of transporting illegal aliens. As that stands, every US citizen who is in Arizona, MUST know the status of every person you run across.

Here is an excerpt of that law:
“A Law Enforcement office, without warrant, may arrest a person if the officer has probable cause to believe that the person has committed any public offense that makes that person removable from the United States”

The argument is based on the actual language. Supporters of the law still contend that an Officer still requires a “just” cause to engage a suspect, and that language is actually in the bill as well. However, if there is a law that states : “… that makes that person removable from the US”,does this not require a Law Officer to have already determined that the person is at least NOT a US Citizen? If the activity that the suspect is participating in makes him “removable”, he is obviously not a Citizen. I know I can break any law on the books, and I am NOT Removable. Question is, how does a Law Enforcement Officer reach the conclusion of REMOVABLITY”?

Opponents of the Law see huge opportunities for infringing on civil rights. A Law Officer can now approach anyone, anywhere and challenge their right to in the US. If there are officers who would misuse such a rule, they clearly are now empowered to harass anyone under the guise that the Officer thought the suspect was participating in a public offence that would make the suspect removable. In other words, if an officer sees a Hispanic person working at any place of employment, the officer is within his/her authority to arrest that person for illegally working in the US. The assumption was that the suspect was removable, and therefore in violation of actually working while in the US. The underlining fear could be, perhaps the officer just thought that the suspect was really a Drug runner, or seller. But rather than follow the formal practice of getting a warrant and due process, this new law affords an officer to suspect that person of being “removable”. Once the officer uses that rule, they are now able to apply "probable cause" to engage the suspect beyond the original suspected violation. The officer would no longer be obligated to follow those other processes to initiate a search.

If someone like me can invent this type of scenario without ever having worked in any type of law enforcement, how many methods of abuse could a creative and bright officer of the law come up with. And I am not calling out all officers as abusive. Unfortunately, it only takes one. And we know they're out there.

Another opposing view to be considered is this: As Law enforcement has established a working relation with the Hispanic communities throughout AZ. Can we begin to measure what damage has already been established simply by the existence of this law? Will the Hispanic community want to risk any engagement with Law Authorities? If there is any risk that the engagement has any level of complexity to it, I believe they will shy away. This breakdown in communication will continue to grow. Especially if any story of abuse occurs.

Equally, now that the law is out there, the illegal aliens will certainly run a much lower profile. The criminal element of smuggling and transport have just raised their rates. I will venture to guess even more hostile & ruthless criminal elements may now see a profitability model that will get their attention.

Arizona has now forced immigrants into darker and more abusive environments. They have created a more profitable black market, established a clear path for abuse, and have alienated the Hispanic community across Arizona, as well as the rest of country. They have created a hostile environment for the tourist coming out of Mexico and other South American countries.

People all over the country are standing up and taking action. Conventions have been cancelled, Mexico has announce alerts to warn against visiting AZ. Truckers are circumventing traveling the state. State Governments have already made policies to stop all transactions with AZ. More states are working on more legislation to do the same.

I strongly agree with and will support any and all boycotts of any Arizona based business. With that said,. please be sure to do your research. For Example: AriZona Tea, is made in Brooklyn NY. As with any bad diet. If this is important, please read the labels, or look up companies on the WEB. click on the "ABOUT" statement or the "CONTACT US" statements and find out where the company headquarters are located. Send an email to the State Board of Tourism of AZ. Tell them you will not vacation there. You will not buy any products based in AZ. Even if you have no plans to visit AZ, let them know this can not stand.

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